The article reveals cultural approach to the formation of goals, objectives, content, structure and outcomes of «Technology» educational field at the level of methodology and didactics. The necessity of structuring the content of technological education substantiated according to the organizational structure of modern production of procedural nature but not operational one that was inherent in the technocratic industrial age. Design and technological culture in the field of technological school education is considered as a way to implementation of creative potential of each learner, aiming motivated transformation of surrounding reality characterized by the unity of processes of objectification, i.e. the acquisition of personal educational experience while creating personally and socially relevant products and disobjectification, i.e. appropriation of cultural-historical and social experience of mankind based on mastering design, manufacturing technology and reflection operations. Authors justified the cultural paradigm of technological education based on continuity and extension as basic principles forming the content of educational standard for secondary school. The strategy of technological education in Ukrainian secondary school is also empirically shown in the proposed content modules (lines) and through the expected learning outcomes at the level of primary school.
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