The article describes the essence, state and directions of development of collegial management of higher education institutions. To achieve the goal of the study, a methodology was developed which consisted in the study of legislative and theoretical principles of the problem, analysis of sites of 70 universities of Ukraine.
The author notes that collegiality corresponds to the trends of personal and social development, provides a greater level of transparency of management, activity of employees, quality of management decisions, protection of interests of students and teachers and more.
The analysis of university sites allowed to determine the structure of collegial bodies, the peculiarities of the regulation of their activities, the composition of the heads of Academic Councils, the peculiarities of the decisions they make.
The study of the activities of higher education institutions revealed the relationship between the place in the TOP 200 ranking and the development of the system of collegial management. The level of development of the system of collegial bodies is high in the leading universities of the country. This is evidenced by their extensive system, normative definition of their powers, the existence of sustainable procedures, involvement in the collective management of a wide range of employees, students, compliance with the structure of collegial bodies. Conversely, in higher education institutions that do not occupy leading positions in the rankings, there are only collegial bodies provided by law, unclear procedures for developing collegial decisions, low level of transparency, formality of some decisions made by collegial bodies.
For further development of collegial management, it is proposed to improve the legal framework for its implementation, align the objectives of higher education institutions and the structure of collegial bodies, ensure a clearer regulation of their activities, training members of collegial bodies and systematic analysis of collegial management.
As a task for further research the substantiation of criteria of an estimation of a condition of collegial management is defined.
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