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content of education
author’s school
graduate requirements
humanitarian component of education
comprehensive student development

How to Cite

Kiyanovsky А. . (2024). SOME ASPECTS OF CONTENT SELECTION IN MODERN UKRAINIAN SCHOOLS: Based on the Experience of the Author’s "Educational complex "School of Liberal Arts". Ukrainian Educational Journal, (3), 263–270.


The article is dedicated to one of the key aspects of education—its content—which encompasses the selection of knowledge, facts, etc., according to the goal of shaping a personality ready for life in the 21st century.

The Ukrainian Law "On Education" stipulates that schools must facilitate education and upbringing at the highest level. Education and upbringing largely determine the nature of an individual. At the Communal Institution "Educational complex "School of Liberal Arts" of the Kherson Regional Council, guided by the provisions of this Law and based on contemporary philosophical, social, psychological, and neurophysiological research, we strive to create a pedagogical system that promotes the education and upbringing of the younger generation in accordance with current conditions and anticipated future circumstances.

In this work, we have substantiated our requirements for the profile of a graduate. Specifically, a graduate of our educational institution should have foundational knowledge in the sciences and arts, an understanding of religion and philosophy, the ability to communicate effectively, work with information, maintain a healthy lifestyle, be a patriot, and be a moral and happy individual.

The experience of our author’s school, tested over 30 years, proves the necessity of a broad humanitarian component in the educational curriculum. The subjects developed by the institution's educators facilitate the integration of children into cultural and scientific life, help them feel the attention of the state, teachers, and society, which, in turn, ensures the continuation of humanistic traditions.

The proposed article explores the educational significance of courses such as "Classical Greco-Roman Mythology," "History of Religion," "Theater," "Media Literacy," "Chess," "Choreography," and others. It should be noted that an increase in instrutional hours (e.g., introducing in-depth study of English and computer science from the 1st grade, and adding one hour for mathematics) contrasts with some initiatives of the New Ukrainian School (NUS), which, conversely, aim to reduce hours for art education and eliminate hours for the study of the surrounding world, among other changes.
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