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modular textbook
quantum education
quantum of information
education system reform
learning and creativity

How to Cite

Pushkarova Т. ., & Hrytsеnkо . О. (2024). POTENTIAL OPPORTUNITIES OF QUANTUM EDUCATION: ATTEMPT OF SCIENTIFIC ANALYSIS. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 95–102. https://doi.org/10.32405/2411-1317-2024-4-95-102


The phenomenon of the formation of a significant number of innovative and technological ideas is a significant feature of our present. New ideas cease to be exclusively and solely the prerogative of physics and penetrate into such fields of knowledge as computer science, chemistry, biology, sociology, ecology, agronomy, medicine or education. Among these innovations, perhaps the most significant mission is attributed to quantum technologies, according to the principles of which transformative shifts in the classical views on the functioning of phenomena, processes or individual objects are taking place. In this way, the provisions of quantum theory are changing nowadays from the status of something fantastic, strange and mysterious to the state of something that is appropriate and absolutely necessary.

The immediate essence of quantum theory is based on the concept of "quantum", such a primordial-basic energy particle, which is always emitted not in the form of constantly functioning waves, but in the mode of formation and generation of individual discrete packets, beams or portions. In this way, the awareness of quanta and the development of quantum theory contributed to the discovery of the non-linear nature of interaction and energy exchange between individual objects of different origins, which involves both quantum radiation and quantum perception.

Thus, the advantage of quantum systems is that the specified functionals help to identify those "problem nodes", the solution of which should: 1) reform the system in a short time; 2) significantly reduce costs and time for system component modernization; 3) identify weak links in the construction of system-forming connections and relationships; 4) provide for the replacement (transformation) of individual elements, parts or modules; 5) proactively use modern knowledge and experience from various fields of scientific research.

Therefore, modern education should not nowadays be localized within the framework of one field of knowledge, and research related to the modernization of the education system or its individual components (methods, technologies, teaching aids) should take place at the transdisciplinary nodal intersection of several scientific currents, which are able to suggest the most effective solution in the non-linear picture of world awareness and in the relationships between representatives of the national society.

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