Complex and diverse modern life requires significant changes in the process of socialization of the younger generation and training of future specialists within the system of higher education of Ukraine. First of all, these changes are related to the need to form an active and hardworking person who has a large stock of knowledge and knows how to independently acquire and use the necessary information.
Modern political and socio-economic conditions require future specialists to have deep and solid knowledge in their field, as well as the development of abilities and skills that cannot be acquired solely through lectures and seminars. The need for for students in higher education institutions to assimilate large amount of information highlights the importance of improving independent work as a means of enhancing training efficiency and quality of training of young specialists who should become high-level specialists and apply their knowledge broadly in scientific and professional activities. A new goal in education comes to the fore – to form such qualities of thinking, memory, and attention that will allow the student to independently assimilate information that is constantly updated, to develop such abilities and skills that will ensure that he does not lag behind scientific and technical progress and information technologies etc.
The article highlights various definitions of the essence of independent work and its signs, the main aspects of modern psychological and pedagogical understanding of independent work of students. Its functions as a system-forming component of didactic intensification of students’ educational activities are determined. Its positive influence on the intellectual and personal development of students is considered. Independent work should be understood as part of the educational process, which takes place under the guidance of a teacher. It encourages students to be active, independent and use their creative abilities. Independent work is a necessary attribute of the life position of a future specialist. It was found that the key principles for building a system of independent works, as an effective means of didactic intensification of students’ educational activities, are the principles of complexity, variability and activity.
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