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approaches to learning
lesson structure
civil and historical branch of education
competency-based tasks
law studies

How to Cite

Zhydkova Н. (2024). COMPETENCY-BASED TASKS ON THE FUNDAMENTALS OF LAW IN THE LESSON STRUCTURE. Ukrainian Educational Journal, (4), 181–192.


The article is devoted to the problem of the model of competency-based tasks (СBТ) in the structure of the lesson, aimed at the formation of legal subject competence, which is implemented in educational and life practice. Attention is paid to the level of competence of students who master the educational program on the basis of the State standard of basic secondary education, as well as students who plan to be lawyers.

The model of the CОТ is proposed in the introduction, main and conclusion parts of the lesson. Features and components of the model, functions and tools of the components are defined. The main components of the model are key, thematic and substantive issues and tasks that are reproductive, transformative and creative in their levels, implemented in different parts of the lessons. Key questions and tasks in the introductory part motivate students to develop competence, activate educational and life experience, while thematic and substantive questions and tasks in the main and conclusion parts contribute to the development and systematization of knowledge, skills, attitudes and enrich experience.

The implementation of the СBТ model makes the learning process of the lesson holistic and systematic and allows you to keep the attention of students during the lesson. Examples of the use of means of the CBT (schemes, illustrations, interdisciplinary connections, etc.), methods and techniques (association, analogy, hypothesis, posture, etc.) in accordance with their performance of functions in different parts of the lessons are given. The CBT model is a component of the cognitive activity of students during the lesson, which gives it practical and activity value.
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