Організація освіти в умовах війни: рекомендації міжнародних організацій

Ключові слова

збройні конфлікти
міжнародні організації
неурядові організації
освіта и умовах війни
освітній процес
безперервність освіти

Як цитувати

Локшина, О., Глушко, О., Джурило, А., Кравченко, С., Максименко, О., Нікольська, Н., & Шпарик, О. (2022). Організація освіти в умовах війни: рекомендації міжнародних організацій. Український Педагогічний журнал, (2), 5–18.


Статтю присвячено проблемі освіти и умовах збройних конфліктів, зокрема організації навчання та розроблення механізмів захисту освіти в умовах надзвичайних ситуацій та військових дій. Метою дослідження є огляд рекомендацій міжнародних і неурядових організацій щодо забезпечення навчального процесу и умовах військових конфліктів. Проаналізовано мотиви нападу на освіту, прямі та довготривалі негативні наслідки впливу на систему освіти и трактуванні цих організацій. Зроблено висновок, що для продовження навчального процесу и умовах військових дій існує варіація форматів, які освітяни можуть розглядати у відповідності до кожної конкретної ситуації. Забезпечення продовження процесу навчання означає надання освіти и інший спосіб, за рахунок чого учні матимуть доступ до навчання, не зважаючи на переривання традиційного навчального процесу. Методи альтернативного надання освіти можуть включати, але не обмежуватися зміною місць навчання, неформальними програмами навчання, інтенсифікацією навчальних занять, організацією тимчасових місць для навчання або домашніми школами. Можливе використання дистанційних методів навчання.


Міністерство освіти і науки України. (2022). Освіта під загрозою.

Офіс Генпрокурора України. (2022, April 26). Ювенальні прокурори: 226 дітей загинули и Україні через збройну агресію РФ.

Akbulut-Yuksel, M. (2014). Children of war: The long-run effects of large-scale physical destruction and warfare on children. Journal of Human Resources, 49(3), 634–662.

Akresh, R. and De Walque, D. (2008). Armed conflict and schooling: Evidence from the 1994 Rwandan genocide. The World Bank.

Akresh, R. et al. (2016). Climate change, conflict, and children. Technical report, Households in Conflict Network Working Paper.

Alfano, M. and Görlach, J.-S. (2019). Terrorism, education, and the role of perceptions: Evidence from al-Shabaab attacks in Kenya. Technical report, Households in Conflict Network Working Paper.

Annan, J., Blattman, C., Mazurana, D., and Carlson, K. (2011). Civil war, reintegration, and gender in Northern Uganda. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 55(6), 877–908.

Blattman, C. and Annan, J. (2010). The consequences of child soldiering. The Review of Rconomics and Statistics, 92(4), 882–898.

Cano, A. F. and Cervantes-Duarte, L. (2016). Impact of Armed Conflicts on Education and Educational Agents:

A Multivocal Review. Revista Electrónica Educare, 20(3), 1–24.

Cerna, L. (2019). Refugee education: Integration models and practices in OECD countries. OECD Education Working Papers.

Chamarbagwala, R. and Mor´an, H. E. (2011). The human capital consequences of civil war: Evidence from Guatemala. Journal of Development Economics, 94(1), 41–61.

GCPEA. (2015, December). Що Міністерства можуть зробити для захисту навчальних закладів від нападів та використання у військових цілях. Комплекс дій. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

GCPEA. (2016, September). Що можуть зробити школи, щоб захистити себе від нападів та від використання у війських цілях. Практичний посібник. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

GCPEA. (2022, March 10). Statement by GCPEA Executive Director, Diya Nijhowne, on Attacks on Education in Ukraine. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Gerardino, M. P. (2014). The effect of violence on the educational gender gap. Unpublished manuscript.

Glasgow, J. N., & Baer, A. L. (2011). Lives beyond suffering: The child soldiers of African Wars. English Journal, 100(6), 68–77.

González L. H., & Bedmar M. (2012). Población infantil en situación de desplazamiento forzado en Colombia y sus manifiestaciones de ciudadanía [Children in situation of displacement in Colombia and its manifestations of citizenship]. Revista Paz y Conflictos, 5, 120–137.


GTZ. (2004, December 1). Education and conflict: The role of education in the creation, prevention and resolution of societal crises - Consequences for development cooperation. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

INEE. (2010, December 3). INEE Minimum Standards Handbook.

Justino, P., Leone, M., and Salardi, P. (2013). Short-and long-term impact of violence on education: The case of Timor Leste. The World Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 320–353.

Kapor-Stanulovic, N. (1999). Encounter with suffering. American Psychologist, 54(11), 1020–1027.

Kesternich, I., Siflinger, B., Smith, J. P., and Winter, J. K. (2014). The effects of World War II on economic and health outcomes across Europe. Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(1), 103–118.

Leon, G. (2012). Civil conflict and human capital accumulation the long-term effects of political violence in Per´u. Journal of Human Resources, 47(4), 991–1022.

López, H., & Wodon, Q. (2005). The economic impact of armed conflict in Rwanda. Journal of African Economies, 14(4), 586-602. doi:

Massad, S. G., Nieto, F. J., Palta, M., Smith, M., Clark, R., & Thabet, A. A. (2012). Nutritional status of Palestinian preschoolers in the Gaza Strip: A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 11, 12–27.

Minoiu, C. and Shemyakina, O. N. (2014). Armed conflict, household victimization, and child health in Cˆote d’Ivoire. Journal of Development Economics, 108, 237–255.

Minou, T. (2006). The possible models of creative therapies for the child victims of war and armed conflict. Asia Pacific Education Review, 7(2), 229–235.

Namen, O., Prem, M., and Vargas, J. F. (2020). The human capital peace dividend. Technical report, Households in Conflict Network Working Paper.

O’Malley, B. (2007). Education under attack, 2007: a global study on targeted political and military violence against education staff, students, teachers, union and government officials, and institutions.

O’Malley, B. (2010). Education under attack, 2010: a global study on targeted political and military violence against education staff, students, teachers, union and government officials, aid workers and institutions.

Parlow, A. (2011). Education and armed conflict: The Kashmir insurgency in the nineties.

Pedersen, J., & Sommerfelt, T. (2007). Studying children in armed conflict: Data production, social indicators and analysis. Social Indicators Research, 84(3), 251–269.

PRIO. (2020, November 23). Children Affected by Armed Conflict, 1990–2019. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Rieder, M., & Choonara, I. (2012). Armed conflict and child health. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(1), 59–62.

Roy, S. and Singh, P. (2016). Gender bias in education during conflict: Evidence from Assam. Technical report, WIDER Working Paper.

Safe Schools Declaration. (2015). Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Shemyakina, O. (2011). The effect of armed conflict on accumulation of schooling: Results from Tajikistan. Journal of Development Economics, 95(2), 186–200.

Singh, P. and Shemyakina, O. N. (2016). Gender-differential effects of terrorism on education: The case of the 1981-1993 Punjab insurgency. Economics of Education Review, 54, 185–210.

Spitzer, H., & Twikirize, J. M. (2012). War-affected children in Northern Uganda: No easy path to normality. International Social Work, 56(1), 67–79. doi:

Swee, E. L. (2015). On war intensity and schooling attainment: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. European Journal of Political Economy, 40, 158–172.

UNHCR. (2019). Refugee education 2030: A Strategy for Refugee Inclusion.

UNICEF. (2017, September 18). 27 million children out of school in conflict zones. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Valente, C. (2014). Education and civil conflict in Nepal. TheWorld Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 354–383.

Verwimp, P. and Van Bavel, J. (2014). Schooling, violent conflict, and gender in Burundi. The World Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 384–411.

Akbulut-Yuksel, M. (2014). Children of war: The long-run effects of large-scale physical destruction and warfare on children. Journal of Human Resources, 49(3), 634–662.

Akresh, R. and De Walque, D. (2008). Armed conflict and schooling: Evidence from the 1994 Rwandan genocide. The World Bank.

Akresh, R. et al. (2016). Climate change, conflict, and children. Technical report, Households in Conflict Network Working Paper.

Alfano, M. and Görlach, J.-S. (2019). Terrorism, education, and the role of perceptions: Evidence from al-Shabaab attacks in Kenya. Technical report, Households in Conflict Network Working Paper.

Annan, J., Blattman, C., Mazurana, D., and Carlson, K. (2011). Civil war, reintegration, and gender in Northern Uganda. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 55(6), 877–908.

Blattman, C. and Annan, J. (2010). The consequences of child soldiering. The Review of Rconomics and Statistics, 92(4), 882–898.

Cano, A. F. and Cervantes-Duarte, L. (2016). Impact of Armed Conflicts on Education and Educational Agents: A Multivocal Review. Revista Electrónica Educare, 20(3), 1–24.

Cerna, L. (2019). Refugee education: Integration models and practices in OECD countries. OECD Education Working Papers.

Chamarbagwala, R. and Mor´an, H. E. (2011). The human capital consequences of civil war: Evidence from Guatemala. Journal of Development Economics, 94(1), 41–61.

GCPEA. (2015, December). Shcho Ministerstva mozhut zrobyty dlia zakhystu navchalnykh zakladiv vid napadiv ta vykorystannia u viiskovykh tsiliakh. Kompleks dii. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

GCPEA. (2016, September). Shcho mozhut zrobyty shkoly, shchob zakhystyty sebe vid napadiv ta vid vykorystannia u viiskykh tsiliakh. Praktychnyi posibnyk. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

GCPEA. (2022, March 10). Statement by GCPEA Executive Director, Diya Nijhowne, on Attacks on Education in Ukraine. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Gerardino, M. P. (2014). The effect of violence on the educational gender gap. Unpublished manuscript.

Glasgow, J. N., & Baer, A. L. (2011). Lives beyond suffering: The child soldiers of African Wars. English Journal, 100(6), 68–77.

González L. H., & Bedmar M. (2012). Población infantil en situación de desplazamiento forzado en Colombia y sus manifiestaciones de ciudadanía [Children in situation of displacement in Colombia and its manifestations of citizenship]. Revista Paz y Conflictos, 5, 120–137.

GTZ. (2004, December 1). Education and conflict: The role of education in the creation, prevention and resolution of societal crises - Consequences for development cooperation. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

INEE. (2010, December 3). INEE Minimum Standards Handbook.

Justino, P., Leone, M., and Salardi, P. (2013). Short-and long-term impact of violence on education: The case of Timor Leste. The World Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 320–353.

Kapor-Stanulovic, N. (1999). Encounter with suffering. American Psychologist, 54(11), 1020–1027.

Kesternich, I., Siflinger, B., Smith, J. P., and Winter, J. K. (2014). The effects of World War II on economic and health outcomes across Europe. Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(1), 103–118.

Leon, G. (2012). Civil conflict and human capital accumulation the long-term effects of political violence in Per´u. Journal of Human Resources, 47(4), 991–1022.

López, H., & Wodon, Q. (2005). The economic impact of armed conflict in Rwanda. Journal of African Economies, 14(4), 586-602. doi:

Massad, S. G., Nieto, F. J., Palta, M., Smith, M., Clark, R., & Thabet, A. A. (2012). Nutritional status of Palestinian preschoolers in the Gaza Strip: A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 11, 12–27.

Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrainy. (2022). Osvita pid zahrozoiu. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Minoiu, C. and Shemyakina, O. N. (2014). Armed conflict, household victimization, and child health in Cˆote d’Ivoire. Journal of Development Economics, 108, 237–255.

Minou, T. (2006). The possible models of creative therapies for the child victims of war and armed conflict. Asia Pacific Education Review, 7(2), 229–235.

Namen, O., Prem, M., and Vargas, J. F. (2020). The human capital peace dividend. Technical report, Households in Conflict Network Working Paper.

Ofis Henprokurora Ukrainy. (2022, April 26). Yuvenalni prokurory: 226 ditei zahynuly v Ukraini cherez zbroinu ahresiiu RF. Retrieved May 11, 2022, from

O’Malley, B. (2007). Education under attack, 2007: a global study on targeted political and military violence against education staff, students, teachers, union and government officials, and institutions.

O’Malley, B. (2010). Education under attack, 2010: a global study on targeted political and military violence against education staff, students, teachers, union and government officials, aid workers and institutions.

Parlow, A. (2011). Education and armed conflict: The Kashmir insurgency in the nineties.

Pedersen, J., & Sommerfelt, T. (2007). Studying children in armed conflict: Data production, social indicators and analysis. Social Indicators Research, 84(3), 251–269.

PRIO. (2020, November 23). Children Affected by Armed Conflict, 1990–2019. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Rieder, M., & Choonara, I. (2012). Armed conflict and child health. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(1), 59–62.

Roy, S. and Singh, P. (2016). Gender bias in education during conflict: Evidence from Assam. Technical report, WIDER Working Paper.

Safe Schools Declaration. (2015). Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Shemyakina, O. (2011). The effect of armed conflict on accumulation of schooling: Results from Tajikistan. Journal of Development Economics, 95(2), 186–200.

Singh, P. and Shemyakina, O. N. (2016). Gender-differential effects of terrorism on education: The case of the 1981-1993 Punjab insurgency. Economics of Education Review, 54, 185–210.

Spitzer, H., & Twikirize, J. M. (2012). War-affected children in Northern Uganda: No easy path to normality. International Social Work, 56(1), 67–79. doi:

Swee, E. L. (2015). On war intensity and schooling attainment: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. European Journal of Political Economy, 40, 158–172.

UNHCR. (2019). Refugee education 2030: A Strategy for Refugee Inclusion.

UNICEF. (2017, September 18). 27 million children out of school in conflict zones. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Valente, C. (2014). Education and civil conflict in Nepal. TheWorld Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 354–383.

Verwimp, P. and Van Bavel, J. (2014). Schooling, violent conflict, and gender in Burundi. The World Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 384–411.

Akbulut-Yuksel, M. (2014). Children of war: The long-run effects of large-scale physical destruction and warfare on children. Journal of Human Resources, 49(3), 634–662.

Akresh, R. and De Walque, D. (2008). Armed conflict and schooling: Evidence from the 1994 Rwandan genocide. The World Bank.

Akresh, R. et al. (2016). Climate change, conflict, and children. Technical report, Households in Conflict Network Working Paper.

Alfano, M. and Görlach, J.-S. (2019). Terrorism, education, and the role of perceptions: Evidence from al-Shabaab attacks in Kenya. Technical report, Households in Conflict Network Working Paper.

Annan, J., Blattman, C., Mazurana, D., and Carlson, K. (2011). Civil war, reintegration, and gender in Northern Uganda. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 55(6), 877–908.

Blattman, C. and Annan, J. (2010). The consequences of child soldiering. The Review of Rconomics and Statistics, 92(4), 882–898.

Cano, A. F. and Cervantes-Duarte, L. (2016). Impact of Armed Conflicts on Education and Educational Agents: A Multivocal Review. Revista Electrónica Educare, 20(3), 1–24.

Cerna, L. (2019). Refugee education: Integration models and practices in OECD countries. OECD Education Working Papers.

Chamarbagwala, R. and Mor´an, H. E. (2011). The human capital consequences of civil war: Evidence from Guatemala. Journal of Development Economics, 94(1), 41–61.

GCPEA. (2015, December). Shcho Ministerstva mozhut zrobyty dlia zakhystu navchalnykh zakladiv vid napadiv ta vykorystannia u viiskovykh tsiliakh. Kompleks dii. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

GCPEA. (2016, September). Shcho mozhut zrobyty shkoly, shchob zakhystyty sebe vid napadiv ta vid vykorystannia u viiskykh tsiliakh. Praktychnyi posibnyk. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

GCPEA. (2022, March 10). Statement by GCPEA Executive Director, Diya Nijhowne, on Attacks on Education in Ukraine. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Gerardino, M. P. (2014). The effect of violence on the educational gender gap. Unpublished manuscript.

Glasgow, J. N., & Baer, A. L. (2011). Lives beyond suffering: The child soldiers of African Wars. English Journal, 100(6), 68–77.

González L. H., & Bedmar M. (2012). Población infantil en situación de desplazamiento forzado en Colombia y sus manifiestaciones de ciudadanía [Children in situation of displacement in Colombia and its manifestations of citizenship]. Revista Paz y Conflictos, 5, 120–137.

GTZ. (2004, December 1). Education and conflict: The role of education in the creation, prevention and resolution of societal crises - Consequences for development cooperation. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

INEE. (2010, December 3). INEE Minimum Standards Handbook.

Justino, P., Leone, M., and Salardi, P. (2013). Short-and long-term impact of violence on education: The case of Timor Leste. The World Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 320–353.

Kapor-Stanulovic, N. (1999). Encounter with suffering. American Psychologist, 54(11), 1020–1027.

Kesternich, I., Siflinger, B., Smith, J. P., and Winter, J. K. (2014). The effects of World War II on economic and health outcomes across Europe. Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(1), 103–118.

Leon, G. (2012). Civil conflict and human capital accumulation the long-term effects of political violence in Per´u. Journal of Human Resources, 47(4), 991–1022.

López, H., & Wodon, Q. (2005). The economic impact of armed conflict in Rwanda. Journal of African Economies, 14(4), 586-602. doi:

Massad, S. G., Nieto, F. J., Palta, M., Smith, M., Clark, R., & Thabet, A. A. (2012). Nutritional status of Palestinian preschoolers in the Gaza Strip: A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 11, 12–27.

Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrainy. (2022). Osvita pid zahrozoiu. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Minoiu, C. and Shemyakina, O. N. (2014). Armed conflict, household victimization, and child health in Cˆote d’Ivoire. Journal of Development Economics, 108, 237–255.

Minou, T. (2006). The possible models of creative therapies for the child victims of war and armed conflict. Asia Pacific Education Review, 7(2), 229–235.

Namen, O., Prem, M., and Vargas, J. F. (2020). The human capital peace dividend. Technical report, Households in Conflict Network Working Paper.

Ofis Henprokurora Ukrainy. (2022, April 26). Yuvenalni prokurory: 226 ditei zahynuly v Ukraini cherez zbroinu ahresiiu RF. Retrieved May 11, 2022, from

O’Malley, B. (2007). Education under attack, 2007: a global study on targeted political and military violence against education staff, students, teachers, union and government officials, and institutions.

O’Malley, B. (2010). Education under attack, 2010: a global study on targeted political and military violence against education staff, students, teachers, union and government officials, aid workers and institutions.

Parlow, A. (2011). Education and armed conflict: The Kashmir insurgency in the nineties.

Pedersen, J., & Sommerfelt, T. (2007). Studying children in armed conflict: Data production, social indicators and analysis. Social Indicators Research, 84(3), 251–269.

PRIO. (2020, November 23). Children Affected by Armed Conflict, 1990–2019. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Rieder, M., & Choonara, I. (2012). Armed conflict and child health. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 97(1), 59–62.

Roy, S. and Singh, P. (2016). Gender bias in education during conflict: Evidence from Assam. Technical report, WIDER Working Paper.

Safe Schools Declaration. (2015). Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Shemyakina, O. (2011). The effect of armed conflict on accumulation of schooling: Results from Tajikistan. Journal of Development Economics, 95(2), 186–200.

Singh, P. and Shemyakina, O. N. (2016). Gender-differential effects of terrorism on education: The case of the 1981-1993 Punjab insurgency. Economics of Education Review, 54, 185–210.

Spitzer, H., & Twikirize, J. M. (2012). War-affected children in Northern Uganda: No easy path to normality. International Social Work, 56(1), 67–79. doi:

Swee, E. L. (2015). On war intensity and schooling attainment: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. European Journal of Political Economy, 40, 158–172.

UNHCR. (2019). Refugee education 2030: A Strategy for Refugee Inclusion.

UNICEF. (2017, September 18). 27 million children out of school in conflict zones. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Valente, C. (2014). Education and civil conflict in Nepal. TheWorld Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 354–383.

Verwimp, P. and Van Bavel, J. (2014). Schooling, violent conflict, and gender in Burundi. The World Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 384–411.

Akbulut-Yuksel, M. (2014). Children of war: The long-run effects of large-scale physical destruction and warfare on children. Journal of Human Resources, 49(3), 634–662.

Akresh, R. and De Walque, D. (2008). Armed conflict and schooling: Evidence from the 1994 Rwandan genocide. The World Bank.

Akresh, R. et al. (2016). Climate change, conflict, and children. Technical report, Households in Conflict Network Working Paper.

Alfano, M. and Görlach, J.-S. (2019). Terrorism, education, and the role of perceptions: Evidence from al-Shabaab attacks in Kenya. Technical report, Households in Conflict Network Working Paper.

Annan, J., Blattman, C., Mazurana, D., and Carlson, K. (2011). Civil war, reintegration, and gender in Northern Uganda. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 55(6), 877–908.

Blattman, C. and Annan, J. (2010). The consequences of child soldiering. The Review of Rconomics and Statistics, 92(4), 882–898.

Cano, A. F. and Cervantes-Duarte, L. (2016). Impact of Armed Conflicts on Education and Educational Agents: A Multivocal Review. Revista Electrónica Educare, 20(3), 1–24.

Cerna, L. (2019). Refugee education: Integration models and practices in OECD countries. OECD Education Working Papers.

Chamarbagwala, R. and Mor´an, H. E. (2011). The human capital consequences of civil war: Evidence from Guatemala. Journal of Development Economics, 94(1), 41–61.

GCPEA. (2015, December). Shcho Ministerstva mozhut zrobyty dlia zakhystu navchalnykh zakladiv vid napadiv ta vykorystannia u viiskovykh tsiliakh. Kompleks dii. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

GCPEA. (2016, September). Shcho mozhut zrobyty shkoly, shchob zakhystyty sebe vid napadiv ta vid vykorystannia u viiskykh tsiliakh. Praktychnyi posibnyk. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

GCPEA. (2022, March 10). Statement by GCPEA Executive Director, Diya Nijhowne, on Attacks on Education in Ukraine. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Gerardino, M. P. (2014). The effect of violence on the educational gender gap. Unpublished manuscript.

Glasgow, J. N., & Baer, A. L. (2011). Lives beyond suffering: The child soldiers of African Wars. English Journal, 100(6), 68–77.

González L. H., & Bedmar M. (2012). Población infantil en situación de desplazamiento forzado en Colombia y sus manifiestaciones de ciudadanía [Children in situation of displacement in Colombia and its manifestations of citizenship]. Revista Paz y Conflictos, 5, 120–137.

GTZ. (2004, December 1). Education and conflict: The role of education in the creation, prevention and resolution of societal crises - Consequences for development cooperation. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

INEE. (2010, December 3). INEE Minimum Standards Handbook.

Justino, P., Leone, M., and Salardi, P. (2013). Short-and long-term impact of violence on education: The case of Timor Leste. The World Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 320–353.

Kapor-Stanulovic, N. (1999). Encounter with suffering. American Psychologist, 54(11), 1020–1027.

Kesternich, I., Siflinger, B., Smith, J. P., and Winter, J. K. (2014). The effects of World War II on economic and health outcomes across Europe. Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(1), 103–118.

Leon, G. (2012). Civil conflict and human capital accumulation the long-term effects of political violence in Per´u. Journal of Human Resources, 47(4), 991–1022.

López, H., & Wodon, Q. (2005). The economic impact of armed conflict in Rwanda. Journal of African Economies, 14(4), 586-602. doi:

Massad, S. G., Nieto, F. J., Palta, M., Smith, M., Clark, R., & Thabet, A. A. (2012). Nutritional status of Palestinian preschoolers in the Gaza Strip: A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 11, 12–27.

Ministerstvo osvity i nauky Ukrainy. (2022). Osvita pid zahrozoiu. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Minoiu, C. and Shemyakina, O. N. (2014). Armed conflict, household victimization, and child health in Cˆote d’Ivoire. Journal of Development Economics, 108, 237–255.

Minou, T. (2006). The possible models of creative therapies for the child victims of war and armed conflict. Asia Pacific Education Review, 7(2), 229–235.

Namen, O., Prem, M., and Vargas, J. F. (2020). The human capital peace dividend. Technical report, Households in Conflict Network Working Paper.

Ofis Henprokurora Ukrainy. (2022, April 26). Yuvenalni prokurory: 226 ditei zahynuly v Ukraini cherez zbroinu ahresiiu RF. Retrieved May 11, 2022, from

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Singh, P. and Shemyakina, O. N. (2016). Gender-differential effects of terrorism on education: The case of the 1981-1993 Punjab insurgency. Economics of Education Review, 54, 185–210.

Spitzer, H., & Twikirize, J. M. (2012). War-affected children in Northern Uganda: No easy path to normality. International Social Work, 56(1), 67–79. doi:

Swee, E. L. (2015). On war intensity and schooling attainment: The case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. European Journal of Political Economy, 40, 158–172.

UNHCR. (2019). Refugee education 2030: A Strategy for Refugee Inclusion.

UNICEF. (2017, September 18). 27 million children out of school in conflict zones. Retrieved May 5, 2022, from

Valente, C. (2014). Education and civil conflict in Nepal. TheWorld Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 354–383.

Verwimp, P. and Van Bavel, J. (2014). Schooling, violent conflict, and gender in Burundi. The World Bank Economic Review, 28(2), 384–411.

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